Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dig Deeper

Yesterday I began Phase 2 of my Insanity workout and it was by far the most difficult day of exercise to date. I felt so defeated during the video! Not too pretty. Last week was the last week of Phase 1 and was used as a recovery week so it was much easier and lighter than the rest of the workouts. It was definitely nice to get a little break, but now I honestly feel like I'm back at Day 1. I guess I am on some level. Phase 2 begins with the Fit Test and the Max Interval Circuit. I did the Circuit in the morning (which is the one that severely kicked my ass) and the Fit Test in the evening. I think my Fit Test numbers definitely improved. I never kept track prior to yesterday so I don't have anything to compare my numbers to, but from what I'm remembering, I'm pretty confident I improved. 

The Max Interval Circuit was definitely INSANE! The warm up wore me out and I had to take more breaks that ever. The video's about an hour long so it's also the longest workout to date. It works every part of your body - shoulders, back, core, hips, legs... Needless to say, I'm pretty sore today. But I'm just about ready (or as ready as I will be) to start my workout for today. Today's Max Interval Plyo and I've heard it's unmerciful as well.

Gotta Dig Deep today. Here we go!

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